Thank You for an Incredible 10 Years!
We are so grateful for this amazing 10-year journey, and we owe a HUGE thank you to everyone who attended our events and savored our delicious organic food and drinks!
A decade ago, Sanzuma began with a humble lunchtime garden class at Davidson Middle School in San Rafael. Since then, we’ve achieved so much together. Here are some of our highlights:
Opened a procurement farm at San Pedro School, enabling San Rafael City Schools to incorporate fresh, organic produce into their meal programs.
Taught over 6,500 bilingual nutrition and farm classes to more than 23,000 students.
Hosted 25+ free community workshops on our farm, covering essential "how-to" topics.
Received 7 national awards,*including the Michelle Obama "Let's Move Award," Giving Marin Award, Golden Seed Award, Marin County Integrated Pest Management Award, The Paul Harris Award, California State Legislature Certificate of Recognition, and more!
Donated over 82,000 pounds of food to 24,879 people in need.
Generated $212,480 in local economic activity through produce sales to San Rafael City Schools and local businesses.
Raised more than $1.3 million to support San Rafael City Schools.
Partnered with Dominican University, where nursing students provide weekly nutrition education to 250 elementary school students. Pre- and post-tests show knowledge improvement rates between 47% and 98.9%.
Collaborated with over 100 nonprofit organizations to amplify our impact.
Sold over 6700 pounds of produce to local restaurants
Thank you for being part of our journey. Here's to the next 10 years of creating a healthier, more sustainable future together!